Last night some of the juniors and some of the regular members participated in an air bag training session with one of our senior members. The air bag training went over the high pressure airbags (for example, for lifting a car a little bit) and the medium pressure airbags (for lifting a larger object a higher distance). We had a short class room session and then a longer hands-on session. For the hands-on session we lifted the dumpster off of an egg (without breaking it) and then lifted a car while placing cribbing underneath for protection.
Rope Training
Our typical calls are EMS related, fires and motor vehicle collisions. But there are times where a call might require us to use ropes. It could be anything from helping get someone out of a tree to tying off a stokes basket to help guide an injured person up a hill. So, rope training is an important skill to have. Last night a few of us did some impromptu rope training under the guidance of a member who was the Captain of the technical rescue team in Baltimore County.
House Fire in 56’s Area
Last night around 6pm E413 and S414 were alerted, along with surrounding stations, for a house fire off of Cherry Hill Rd in Station 56’s area. E56 arrived first with smoke showing from the house. E413 arrived second hooked up to a hydrant and took a handline into the house. S414 arrived shortly after and set up fans and assisted with other operations. In the end it was a small kitchen fire — two birds and a cat were rescued, as well. Units were on scene for approximately 45 minutes.